Sunday, June 24, 2012

DIY Mini Bean Bags

I decided to teach myself to hand sew on Friday (my first time ever to sew) and the first project I wanted to make was a set of mini bean bags for the kids to play with.  I got the bean bag idea from this website (it was Gift #21): 100 Days of Homemade Christmas Gifts .  Here's the direct link: Making Bean Bags .  I also used this bean bag tutorial because she had templates to trace and cut out the fabric with: Counting Bean Bags . I used these two websites to teach myself to sew How to Sew and Blanket Stitch Tutorial Video because, this being my first attempt at it, I obviously don't own a sewing machine.

Materials needed:

- squares of fabric - two per bean bag (use the 4 1/2" square template in the Counting Bean Bags tutorial for ease)
- needle and thread
- scissors
- beans (I used pinto beans because they were the cheapest medium sized beans I could find)


1. Take two squares of fabric and place them with the front sides touching and the back sides facing out.  Pin the pieces together around the perimeter.
This shows a complete bean bag and one that is pinned.

2. Thread your needle (use "How to Sew" link to see different choices - I like double thread) - and secure one end with a knot.

3. Sew around 3 1/2 sides with a back stitch (on "How to Sew" link) leaving a hole to fill with beans.
Front side of "back stitch"

Back side of "back stitch"
4. Turn material inside out and fill with beans.

5. Sew around entire bean bag again with a whip stitch or a blanket stitch (watch Blanket Stitch Tutorial Video).

6. You now have a cute mini bean bag!  Yeah!


  1. Thanks for sharing the link to my bean bags!! Looks like you did a great job, impressed that you did it by hand :)

    1. Thanks so much Chrystal..and thanks for your tutorial! I don't think I'd attempt anything bigger than this bean bag to do by hand, though! ha-ha (Since this post, I have been learning to sew on a machine...much, much easier..and faster...imagine that!) :-)
